MacGregor Photography

Blackface Journal Adverts

Here at MacG HQ we’re busy designing adverts for the Blackface Sheep Breeders’ ‘Bible’. If you have yet to get in touch with us please do so soon…  Likewise,  those who have not booked a space in the Journal, please contact Margaret McGowan at The Scottish Farmer on 0141 3027753 . The journals are read from cover to cover and back again for many years, so it’s well worth placing an advert.

We have been out and about photographing lots of  blackies recently, so plenty more to see when the journal arrives on your doorstep in June.  In the meantime, here’s a wee look back at some of the tups (in alphabetical order) we photographed last year…

Achdregnie 4.2k 9845

Achdregnie £4200


Aitkenhead 12k 5704

Aitkenhead £12,000


Allanfauld 14k 9298

Allanfauld £14,000


Allanfauld Kept Hulk 5575

Allanfauld Kept – ‘Hulk’



Auldhouseburn 6k 2

Auldhouseburn £6000


Auldhouseburn 25k 9617

Auldhouseburn £25,000


Ben Lomond £4000

Ben Lomond £4000


Blackcraig 15k 6252

Blackcraig £15,000


Blackcraig Kept 6286

Blackcraig Kept – ‘Spot On’


Blackhouse 13k 0774

Blackhouse £13,000


Blackhouse £6800

Blackhouse £6800


Blackhouse 3800 5698

Blackhouse £3800


Blackhouse Kept 0874

Blackhouse Kept


Cahill Breslin 11k 9955

Cahill Breslin £11,000


Connachan £10,000

Connachan £10,000


Craigdarroch 0927

Craigdarroch £8000


Crossflatt 50k 9704

Crossflatt £50,000


Crossflatt 25k 5920

Crossflatt £25,000


Crossflatt 22k 9533

Crossflatt £22,000


Crossflatt 20k 0033

Crossflatt £20,000


Crossflatt 18k 9903

Crossflatt £18,000


Crossflatt 12k 9973

Crossflatt £12,000


Crossflatt Kept MacAdam 9586

Crossflatt Kept – ‘MacAdam’


Crossflatt Kept Shotgun 9612

Crossflatt Kept – ‘Shotgun’


Dalwyne 50k 5882

Dalwyne £50,000


Dudlees 12k 0805

Dudlees £12,000


Dunruchan 3.9k 9869

Dunruchan £3900


Dyke £5500 b

Dyke £5500


Dyke Kept 5535

Dyke Kept


Easter Happrew Kept (90k Dal)

Easter Happrew Kept


Elmscleugh £9000  Shearling

Elmscleugh £9000


Elmscleugh £9000

Elmscleugh £9000

Elmscleugh 68k 5838

Elmscleugh £68,000


Elmscleugh 18k

Elmscleugh £18,000


Elmscleugh 14kA 5628

Elmscleugh £14,000

Elmscleugh 14k 9359

Elmscleugh £14,000

Elmscleugh £12000

Elmscleugh £12,000


Elmscleugh 8k 8893

Elmscleugh £8000


Elmscleugh 3k 0746

Elmscleugh £3000


Garchew 12k 6217

Garchew £12,000

Gass 12k 0456

Gass £12,000


Gass 11k 9349

Gass £11,000


Gass 8.5k 9415

Gass £8500


Gass 6k 5981

Gass £6000


Gass 5k 9452

Gass £5000


Glen Gatehouse 4.4k 6145

Glen Gatehouse £4400


Glenrath £21,000

Glenrath £21,000


Glenrath £5000

Glenrath £5000


Greenside 4.6k 0421

Greenside £4600


Greenside Kept 9829

Greenside Kept


High Staward £3600

High Staward £3600


Judith Cowie 2.2k 9470

Judith Cowie £2200


Kingledores 5.2k 0861

Kingledores £5200


Little Larg 31k 6102

Little Larg £31,000


Loughash 40k 6365

Loughash £40,000


Loughash 17k 0649

Loughash £17,000


Loughash 11k

Loughash £11,000


p Midlock 15k 5757

£15,000 Midlock


Midlock 19k 0635

Midlock £19,000


Midlock £18,000

Midlock £18,000


Midlock 15k 5757

Midlock £15,000


Midlock 10k 5995

Midlock £10,000


Mitchelhill 7k 0816

Mitchelhill £7000


Mitchellhill Kept

Mitchellhill Kept


Nunnerie £8000

Nunnerie £8000


p Pole 32k 5777

Pole £32,000


Shilnavogie 10000gns

Shilnavogie 10,000gns


Shilnavogie 1400gns

Shilnavogie 1400gns


Shilnavogie Kept - Suarez

Shilnavogie Kept – ‘Suarez’


Woolfords 6.5k 9932

Woolfords £6500



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