Stars of the Future Calf Show ’23
Strong entry numbers across the 10 breed sections ensured another successful Stars of the Future event at UA Stirling Mart.
The continental inter-breed contest was judged by Teresa Wilson, who selected Reece Simmers’ Simmental heifer, Annick Lucia’s Nicosia as best in the senior section. A Kilbride Farm Karl daughter, she had been bought at the Annick dispersal along with her dam, Annick Ginger’s Lucia, which was champion at the Royal Highland this year. Reserve senior was Andrew Hornall’s Falleninch Tiziana, a Charolais heifer by the French import, Falleninch Memo, and out of a past winner at Stars of the Future, Falleninch Lottie.
Best junior continental was AJR Farms’ Charolais bull, Newlogie Unique, a son of the past Highland Show champion, Marry Morwr, out of Newlogie Papillon, a daughter of the French sire Noble. Reserve junior was the British Blue heifer, Solway View Tamsin, from Kevin Watret. An AI daughter of the Irish sire Boherard Overdose, she is one of the first ET calves out of Solway View Peach.
Andy Frazier was in charge of selecting the best of the best in the native inter-breeds. In the seniors, he picked out Chloe Dunlop’s Beef Shorthorn bull, Stallashaw Senate, as overall champion. The first calf off Stallashaw President, he is out of Hyndford Nina, which had been bought at a Stirling sale. Taking the reserve overall senior title was the Highland bull, Inness of Glenfinnan, from first time exhibitors Kirsty Neil and Andrew Polson. A son of Alasdair 4th of Woodneuk, he is out of the privately bought Lorna of Craigluscar.
Mike and Melanie Alford’s Aberdeen-Angus heifer, Fohill Diamond Mist, took the junior native title. Sired by Linton Gilbertines President and out of the 13,000gns Weston Diamond Mist, she was junior female champion at the recent Agri-Expo event. Reserve junior native was the Harvey family’s Hereford heifer, Harveybros 1 Crocus Aurora, a daughter of Sky High 1 Take-a-Chance, out of Harveybros 1 Crocus Tiara. She had been reserve junior female champion in the Hereford section at Agri-Expo.
Winning the Joe Watson Memorial award for the best pair of animals owned by the same exhibitor, was Andrew Hornall, with his two Charolais heifers, Falleninch Tiziana and Falleninch Tenetia. In the continental pairs championship, they had stood ahead of another Charolais duo, the two young bulls, Elgin Tucker and Elgin Teuchter, from the Milnes.
Top native pair were Beef Shorthorns from Natalie Hynd – Westbroad Trident and Westbroad Bramble Tina. Reserve went to another Beef Shorthorn pair, Fordie Taskmaster and Fordie Topgun, from Fiona Davidson.
Overall young handler, judged on the evening prior to the calf show, was Lily Smith of Sunnyhill, Turriff.
Below are pictures of the top prizewinners from each section. To view the full selection of images taken, head to our Photo Sales gallery.

Senior champion – Keirsbeath Powerhouse Y586 from Caroline Orr

Reserve senior champion – Retties Lord Lucas Y277 from William Ashworth

Junior champion – Foxhill Diamond Mist Z253 from M and M Alford

Reserve junior champion – Hillfoots Evie Z019 from Jamie Rettie

Senior champion – Stallashaw Senate, from Chloe Dunlop
Reserve senior champion – Dunsyre Lily 101st, from Brenda Wear

Junior champion – Ryden Tequila, from A and S Ryder

Reserve junior champion – Fordie Taskmaster, from Fiona Davidson

Senior champion – Solway View Supreme, from Kevin Watret

Reserve senior champion – Stonebyres Storm, from Blair and Shona Comrie

Junior champion – Solway View Tamsin, from Kevin Watret

Reserve junior champion, Blackstane Triumph, from K Blackwood and D Davidson

Senior champion – Falleninch Tiziana, from Andrew Hornall

Reserve senior champion – Hollywell T20, from J and S Middleton

Junior champion – Newlogie Unique, from AJR Farms

Reserve junior – Silvermere Unique, from Michelle Hanson

Senior champion – Little Miss Muffit, from Blair Duffton

Reserve senior champion – Legally Blonde, from Allan and Susan Campbell

Junior champion – Barbie Girl, from Stewart Dunlop

Reserve junior champion – Silver, from Kevin Watret

Senior champion – Harveybros 1 Crocus Absolute-Rose
Reserve senior champion – Saltire 1 Ruth 3rd, by WP and K Watson

Junior champion – Harveybros 1 Crocus Aurora, from George Harvey

Reserve junior champion – Panmure 1 Alexander, from JM Cant

Senior champion – Inness of Glenfinnan, from Kirsty Neil and Andrew Polson

Reserve senior champion – Mollaig of Black Glen, from Grant Hyslop

Junior champion – Morag 20th of Leys, from Leys Castle Farm
Reserve junior champion – Kirsty 9th of Gartocharn, from Jim and Catherine McKechnie

Senior champion – Whinfellpark Topnotch, from AW Jenkinson

Reserve senior – Foxhillfarm Terminator, from M and M Alford

Junior champion – Maraiscote Beauty, from Ian Nimmo

Reserve junior champion – Westpit Ullapool, from Andrew Game

Senior champion – Annick Lucia’s Nicosia, from Reece Simmers

Reserve senior champion – Islavale Novak, from WS Stronach

Junior champion – Islavale Peaches, from WS Stronach

Reserve junior champion – Annick Ginger’s Paprika, from Reece Simmers

Senior champion – Rogan Glen, from D and C Logan

Junior champion – Crawlaw Jura, from Allan and Susan Campbell

Andrew Hornall won the Joe Watson Memorial Trophy, for the best pair

Overall young handler – Lily Smith

Top junior young handlers

Chloe McEwan won the intermediate young handler section

Finlay Soutter won the senior young handler section
To view the full selection of images taken, head to our Photo Sales gallery.