Kelso Ram Sales
Was meant to be having a day off at Kelso yesterday, but didn’t quite work out that way! Here’s a few of the top priced tups, but to view all the pictures taken, see the Photo Sales section.
It was a strong sale throughout, with a total of 4285 rams selling through the ring, an 84% clearance. Top price went to Midlock’s Bluefaced Leicester shearling, a son of Midlock Mustang, which sold at £12,000 to the Keer flock.

Top price from Midlock, £12,000 to William Barker’s Keer flock

Also from Midlock, this Mustang son sold at £5000 to M Ridley, Shittlington Hall, Wark, Hexham

One of three Texels to make £7000, this Haymount shearling, by Ettrick Vagabond, sold to Midlock, Scrogtonhead and Burnhead

Another from Haymount at £7000, the champion at the Border Livestock pre-sale show, sold to Harestone

Also at £7000, this Scrogtonhead shearling by Lamb Bros Unbeatable, sold to Kingside, Toftcombs and Wolfclyde

Best in the Garngour pen, Teiglum Wiseguy, by Castlecairn VaVaVoom, made £6200 to Oldfield

Ettrick’s top, by Castlecairn Vital Spark, sold at £5500 to Blackhouse

Top price lamb, a Cambwell Trademark son from Strawfrank, made £5400 to WR Williams, Llangwnadl

Leading Suffolk was this lamb from Cairness, by Cloontagh Chieftain, which sold at £4500 to Northern Irish buyers David Duncan, Trevor Robinson and Alistair Gault

Top price Charollais, from Riggheads

Best in the Border Leicesters, this one from Tom Tennant, Westforth, sold at £2100
To view all the pictures taken, see the Photo Sales section.