Carlisle – Angus & Blues
Trade peaked at 8000gns at Friday’s Aberdeen-Angus sale at Carlisle, with the 10-month-old heifer calf, Rull Frances R206, leading the way. She sold to W and D McLaren, Netherton, Auchterarder, Perthshire.
Averages: Seven bulls, £2212.50; seven heifers, £2152.50 Rull herd – six cows and heifers with calves at foot, £2318.75; six heifers, £1881.25, five bull calves, £892.50. Castlegate herd – four cows and heifers with calves at foot, £2065.88. Lochmaben herd – 10 cows and heifers with calves at foot, £2714.25; four heifers, £1929.38. Barwise herd – eight cows and heifers with calves at foot, £1407; 10 heifers £799.05. Saville herd – three cows and heifers with calves at foot, £2142; four heifers, £2100; seven maiden heifers, £1312.50.
Below are pictures of the top priced lots…to view the full selection of photographs taken, see our Photo Sales section.
To view the full selection of photographs taken, see our Photo Sales section.
British Blue
To view the full selection of photographs taken, see our Photo Sales section.