Summer National Aberdeen-Angus Show – Kelso
The Summer National Show of Aberdeen Angus was held at the weekend at the Border Union Show, Kelso, judged by Alasdair Houston, Gretnahouse. Here are the main prizewinners – to view a full selection of pictures taken at the event, please head to the Photo Sales section.

Shadwell Black Broughton K485 from Alistair and Graeme Fraser, overall champion

Reserve Champion for HW Angus and the McLarens was Netherton Evita N734

Reserve male champion Deveron Leggat P469 from Hamish and Margaret Sclater

Whittaker and Co Farms’ Haughton Justine Erica L012 took the reserve female championship

Junior heifer champion Retties Lady Ruth P280 from Donald Rankin

Bull calf champion Retties Euromillions R307 from Richard and Carol Rettie

Heifer calf winner HW Frances P827 from HW Angus
Sunshine and showers… 🙂
All photographs taken on the day can be viewed in Photo Sales!