MacGregor Photography

Carlisle – Simmental

Trade topped at 8300gns at the Leading Ladies Simmental show and sale at Carlisle. Making that money was the in-calf heifer, Kilbride Farm Dora 65E, a Cairnview Snazzy daughter which sold to the Donnelly family’s Atlow herd near Ashbourne, Derbyshire.

Selling for 6100gns was the Leading Ladies overall champion, Midhope Everlight, a maiden heifer shown by WJ Hollingsworth, Sheffield. Sired by Delfur Chas and out of Midhope Cashmere, she sold to the Green family of the Corskie herd based in Morayshire.

Heading up the bull classes was the reserve male champion, Corskie Eterno 13, shown by the Green family.  A son of the 13,000gn sire Dirnanean Bradley, out of the homebred Corskie Tatti, he sold for 6200gns to Derbyshire for the Atkin Brothers to join their Grangefields herd.

At 6000gns, the overall male champion, Midhope Exceptional 13 from the Hollingsworth family, was knocked down to Paul Gunther Livestock, for their Fircovert herd near Norwich.

Averages: 28 bulls, £3427.00. Leading Ladies – Four in-calf heifers, £4777.50; eight maiden heifers, £2887.50. Other females – Six cows with calves at foot, £1773.33; four heifers with calves at foot, £1842.00; five in-calf heifers, £1430.00; 10 maiden heifers, £1516.00; six Starnhhill heifers with calves, £1456.00.


Champion (Lot 40) and Reserve (Lot 23) bulls together with Judge Hector Macaskill and Steph Ryder, Farmers Guardian


Leading Ladies Champion (Lot 61 on Left) and Reserve (Sterling Naomi’s Ella on right) with judge Hector Macaskill and Steph Ryder, Farmers Guardian.

Photographs of some of the top priced lots are shown below. To view the full selection of pictures taken, or to purchase any, see our Photo Sales section.

Leading Ladies…


Lot 56 – Kilbride Farm Dora – 8300gns to DM Donnelly, Atlow House, Ashbourne


Lot 61 – Midhope Everlight, 5500 gns to WJ & J Green, Corskie, Garmouth, Morayshire


Lot 52 – Midhope Date, 3600gns to JB Taylor, Webscott, Shrewsbury


Lot 64 – Atlow Emerald, 3600gns to L Pennington, Little Haigh, Mossley, Ashton


Lot 57 – Sterling Naomi’s Ella, 3000gns to S Keen, Starnhill, Ecclesfield, Sheffield



Lot 23 (Reserve Champion) – Corskie Eterno, 6200gns to Atkin Brothers, The Grange, Barrow On Trent.


Lot 40 (Champion) – Midhope Exceptional, 6000gns to Paul Gunther Livestock, Fir Covert, Felthorpe, Norwich


Lot 30 – Beechtree Eclipse, 5200gns to D Hyslop, Clydeside, Lamington, Biggar










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